A Day in the Challenges Life
A day at Challenges is full of fun, acceptance, and learning. Campers have the chance to participate in a variety of activities including swim day, movie day, lip-synch, workshops, and the talent show, but our core curriculum and fun come from our four rotation groups:
Physical Challenges
Setting goals, working together, and good sportsmanship are three main objectives in Physical Challenges. Activities in this rotation are designed to help make campers feel more comfortable participating in physical activities at school, like PE and recess. Campers also set a goal for a physical activity and are encouraged to strive for their personal best.
Bouncing Back
The Bouncing Back curriculum centers on resiliency and overcoming challenging situations. After the campers list personal challenges they are given the opportunity to illustrate the entire Challenges sequence. The sequence includes identifying challenging situations and recognizing feelings both physical and emotional that accompany the challenge. Finally, the campers reflect, collect, and select the best solution to their situation. We are also playing games designed to help learn and practice friend-making skills, coping strategies, and good decision-making.
Social Challenges
In Social Challenges, campers enjoy work to build trust within the group, build their social confidence, and develop their ability to support others to achieve a goal, and build friendships, and focus outside themselves. Primary activities include trustfall and creating affirmations and other positive messages for their fellow group members.
Creative Challenges
Creative Challenges aims to help campers feel more comfortable in a classroom-like setting. Through arts and crafts, campers develop tools for self-expression and reminders of ways to use their coping skills. Creative Challenges provides a great warm-up for the school year.
For more of an idea, click here to checkout the Challenges 2018 Slideshow!